Developing the Heights ‘Vision’
While Aaron Watson is working as part of the team redeveloping Kilmartin Museum, Steve Keeling has been busy designing and directing works related to the Heights of Abraham ‘Vision’ that we instigated in 2018. Implementation started in 2020 with a complete rebrand and visitor information improvements. (See previous posts).
Other infrastructure works were then carried out to provide better visitor access, improve all weather facilities during the Covid19 pandemic, and a start made on preparatory works for future development. The gift shop was refitted and behind the scenes building maintenance and enhancements were carried out to improve visitor flow at the entrance.
Now, after 2 years of site work, the summit of the hillside estate has been transformed. The feature staircase Steve designed links the summit terraces, and the thematic planting of key areas provides interpretation opportunities. These depict the High and Low Peaks of Derbyshire to help visitors see the characteristics that make these landscapes so markedly different.
Heritage planting was used to demonstrate how plants from around the world, that were introduced in the 18C, have influenced the plants in domestic gardens today.
Earlier this year The Amphitheatre was opened where entertainment and performances can be staged. This aspect of the estate emulates the activities associated with Georgian Pleasure Gardens where, in addition to other attractions, entertainment, music, poetry readings and theatrical performances were offered as part of the product mix.